Get Started


Beyond the confines of a traditional classroom, outdoor education offers rich and impactful learning opportunities to young minds. By being actively engaged in an environment outside their comfort zones, students learn how to push past their own limitations, learn new skills, gain self confidence, learn the value of teamwork, and gain appreciation for the wonders of mother nature...

Forest School @ Tanarimba-Janda Baik and The NEST @ Maeps Serdang
Camping Fundamental:
- Navigation
- Fire Making
- Signalling
- Knots
- Shelter Making
- Equipment Care and Usages
- Backpacking
- Knife Handling
- Wood Carving
- Camping Cooking
- Wilderness First Aid
- Leave No Trace Outdoo Ethics
- Survival Bag
Conservation Workshop :
- Recycle Project
- Community Farming
Hiking and Travel Trip Tips:
- Hiking To Nepal
- Hiking to Indonesia
- Hiking to Taiwan
- Cycling to Taiwan
- Backpacking to Europe
- Climb Mount Kinabalu
- Day Hiking
- Medical Travelling Advise